
    A world where every legal issue


    foreseeable, manageable,
    & solvable.

    Our Commitment

    Small But Heavyweight
    Established in 2012 in Jakarta, we are a small but heavyweight practice in our chosen area of specialty. White collar criminal litigation, admiralty, complex commercial disputes and tortious claims form the bulk of our specialized practice.


    The Suh

    The four-leafed clover, according to Javanese philosophy, symbolizes unity. In Javanese, a four-leaf clover is called "Suh" or the binder of broomsticks. Without the "Suh", a broomstick would easily break. Conversely, a combination of broomsticks bound with "Suh" becomes sturdy and useful as a cleaning tool for the community. In addition to this meaning, it is universally known that a four-leaf clover, or "Four Leaf Clover" in English, symbolizes victory, triumph in life, and abundant wealth.

    The Number 8

    The number 8 and the diagonal chain in the middle of the clover leaf symbolize blessings and sustenance that always flow, are everlasting, and continuous for Anggraeni and Partners through a strong bond both internally among members of the Anggraeni and Partners family and externally with clients and other stakeholders.

    Our Milestone

    We are proud to have received numerous accolades and awards that recognize our commitment to excellence and dedication.

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    Foreign Direct
    Business Operation
    Support (BOS)
    & Resolution
    Techno Legal
    Our Services

    We provide invaluable integrated service to our clients. The highly knowledgeable members of our firm serve your best interests by assisting you to fully comprehend the particulars of your situation. It is our firm belief that your understanding allows you to optimize your options.

    Explore our services >
    Source for Valuable & Actionable
    Legal Insights
    AP Law Lens

    Our dedicated Legal Lab Team conducts in-depth research, providing you with valuable business perspectives from different angles.

    Know our perspective and make informed decisions for your organization's success.

    Know our perspective >
    We support global efforts of Sustainable Goals
    SDG’s 4-5

    Quality Education

    We strongly believe in the democratization of legal education and career opportunities. We contribute and provide practical legal training and education for university students to give them the opportunity to pursue a career in the legal sector.

    Gender Equality

    We continuously promote gender neutrality by taking the necessary steps to remove gender bias in our recruitment and evaluation process. The positive result of this approach is evident in our balanced workforce, including in leadership positions.