The Ministry of Comminication and Information (KOMINFO) stated that the draft of the Personal Data Protection Bill has been signed by the Minister of Communication and Information Technology (MENKOMINFO), Rudiantara, and is being circulated to related institutions. Rudiantara said the Personal Data Protection Bill would be sent back to the House of Representatives (DPR) for discussion after being signed by the Minister. The Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia previously stated the pressing need for the Law on Protection of Personal Data and Privacy. The Ombudsman considered this urgency in response to the policy of the Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration (DUKCAPIL) of the Ministry of Home Affairs, which has recently established cooperation in utilizing access to population data with private companies. In the latest update, DUKCAPIL established and initiative with the finannce companies of the Astra Group. The Astra Group includes PT Astra Multi Finance (AMF) and PT Federal International Finance (FIF). DUKCAPIL’s cooperation with FIF has been conducted since 2017 and was extended on July 16, 2019. AMF, meanwhile, established cooperation with DUKCAPIL for the first time this year. In this collaboration, the Astra Group has access to the Population Registration Number (NIK), Population Data and Identity Card, which is used to support their financing services. Visit us: ( YAN
Source: perlindungan-data-pribadi-telah-ditandatangani-menkominfo/ full&view=ok with changes.