Law No. 24 of 2007 concerning Disaster Management (“Law 24 of 2007”) article 1 paragraph 3, categorizes the Covid-19 pandemic as a non-natural disaster, that is, disasters caused by events that fall into epidemics and pandemics. Furthermore, in Law 24 of 2007 the central government and regional governments have the responsibility and authority in disaster management.
The responsibilities and authorities of the central and or regional governments include disaster risk reduction, community protection, community fulfillment guarantees, disaster impact recovery, and allocation of funds for disaster management, placement of coping policies, making contingency plans, formulating preventative policies, and distributing money or goods to the community.
The central government and / or local government have clearly implemented the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) provisions in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The handling of the Pandemic by the government is generally considered to be good even though the number of patients affected Covid-19 continues to increase every day. Allocation of funds to conduct social assistance programs in the form of special food distribution in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabodetabek) and Direct Cash Transfers or Bantuan Langsung Tunai (BLT) for outside of Jabodetabek have also been well implemented. The government, through the Ministry of Social Affairs, has also opened a public complaints service related to social assistance for communities affected by Covid-19. Government policy in limiting all transportation activities, both land, sea and air which directly limits the Eid homecoming activities to reduce the rate of transmission and spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia is also considered the right step in preventing the spread of Covid-19.
In addition, Article 26 of Law 24 of 2007 contains rights for people affected by national disasters, in this case Covid-19. These rights include getting social protection and a sense of security, getting education, training, and skills in carrying out disaster management, and are entitled to get the fulfillment of basic needs, including the right to receive compensation due to the disaster. The above has been carried out well by both central and regional governments by massive dissemination and education of Health SOPs. These include the avoidance of large gatherings, always wearing face masks, and regularly washing hands using hand sanitizers.
There is clearly a role for the community to successfully end the threat of Covid-19 in Indonesia. The government expects the cooperation of all RTs, RWs and village heads in the implementation of independent isolation and quarantine from individuals and groups. DGM/TWK/HES