On April 27, 2023, Anggraeni and Partners collaborated with the ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Brawijaya (ALSA LC UB) to create an inspiring and educational experience – the ALSA Legal Visit. This unique event aimed to introduce the firm to ALSA LC UB members and offer invaluable insights into the world of arbitration while fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for this rapidly evolving legal field.
Eva F Fauziah, a Senior Associate from the Practice Group International Arbitration and Litigation, delivered a comprehensive presentation on the roles and qualifications of arbitrators, the certifications required, and the applicable code of ethics related to the profession. She covered important topics such as the roles and powers of arbitrators, the varying qualifications depending on the institutions, and the IBA Rules of Ethics for International Arbitrators.
Keisha Bucha, a Middle Associate from the same practice group, provided an enlightening discussion on the basics of arbitration, explaining how it serves as an alternative method for resolving civil disputes outside of general courts. She elaborated on the differences between ad hoc and institutional arbitration, the importance of arbitration clauses, and the concept of separability doctrine. Keisha also provided examples of various arbitration clauses and highlighted the roles of appointing authorities and courts in the arbitration process.
The team at Anggraeni and Partners hoped that this event would not only broaden the horizons of law students, particularly those from ALSA LC UB but also inspire them to explore the exciting world of arbitration as a viable career option. Grateful for the opportunity to share their passion for arbitration, the firm eagerly anticipated a successful event.
And successful it was! Participants were thrilled with their experience. Jibril, Manager of Legal Development Division commented, “The event was a fantastic journey, from the warm welcome with lunch to the eye-opening office tour. I never imagined that AP would be so open and embracing. The discussions, including Eva’s and Keisha’s presentations, were captivating and invaluable for law students aspiring to specialize in international arbitration.”
Edelweis, Director of ALSA Brawijaya echoed these sentiments, saying, “The event was truly extraordinary. The warmth and openness of the staff exceeded all our expectations. The engaging and insightful material, expertly delivered by Eva, Keisha, and others, coupled with the exciting office tour and generous gifts, made the experience truly unforgettable. We are deeply grateful for this opportunity.”
Information: For ALSA FH Brawijaya member, the session deck can be copied from ALSA Team ( Selvri or Jibril )